Sunday, October 23, 2011

Some Quick Updates


I know that lots of folks have said happy birthday, so we wanted to let you know some things that are going on over here.

Bengals beat the Colts - it's true !!!  The Colts are 0-6.  Wow !!
They say that if the Colts go 0-16, Peyton Manning will win his 5th MVP title.

Notre Dame lost to USC when they fubled on the 1 yard line and USC ran it 99 yards for a touchdown.
"Bumber," as Bridgette would say.

NBA is still out on strike and they are cancelling many games in the beginning of the season ... who really cares. Apparently no one since the talks have broken off and there are no more planned.

OK - that's some sports news.

Have a stellar day.

Uncle Steve (mostly) and Aunt Debbie

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