Sunday, October 23, 2011


Happy Birthday Andy,
Hope this message finds you to be as well as can be expected. Sally and I think of you and pray for you and your team every day. Even though I was in the Marine Corps I cannot really imagine what your situation is since I was never in combat. We are all looking forward to your safe return. I'm not sure you know but I am working with a number of Cincinnati Public Schools and when you return I would like you to go with me to a few schools and talk to the students. I think your experiences could be of help to them. As I think back I can remember a serviceman coming to St. Teresa during the 2nd World War and talking to us . It made a great impression on us.
Well Andy, it's now your Grandma having her turn to tell you how much we miss you.  We really missed you last saturday. We were all over at Aunt Lisa & Uncle Jims to celebrate mine & gandpa's Birthdays. Needless to say we all had a great tme,but we all missed you, but Elisabeth was there to represent you.Andy, take care of yourself and remember you are in our prayers every morning an every night.  "HAPPY B' DAY"
Love  G.& G. A.

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