Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Birthday BabyHead!


I'm glad we got the chance to talk the other day so I could wish you Happy Birthday in real time, but I just wanted to drop a note and let you know that we're all thinking of you today. It's easy to remember one of your best friends birthday's, even when they are across the world if all the passwords in the house are still set as "WhoDey 10/24"! I've included some pics for you to laugh at as well - theres one of Team USA from the golf trip and another of us from ski trip in Denver. I'm already looking forward to the next one out in Vail ... maybe this time you'll actually be able to beat me down the mountain (doubt it)!

Take care of yourself Ru, we miss you and can't wait to get you back home. Keep the chin up, keep thinking about Skyline Cheese Coneys, and we'll all have a Guinness in your honor tonight. Love you brother. Talk to you soon.


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