Monday, October 24, 2011

Hot new tips for Christmas decorations less than $10!

Hi Andy -

Your favorite godfather here to wish you happy birthday. I need some army fatigue jacket for a Halloween costume and Beth asked if no one in my family was ever in the army so I could borrow theirs. I told her my family members were in the marines - the best of the best. None of that army stuff! Then I said you were in the best of the best of the best being in the recon unit and had to correct myself since you are actually in the best of the best of the best of the best since your team is the best recon unit. (No need to share that with guys in other recon units - we don't want to hurt their feelings, after all.)

You come up a lot in our conversations, actually, and I guess that's because you're on my mind and in my prayers often. And clearly I am proud of you and what you've accomplished with your team and personally. Hope you enjoy your bit of down time and your birthday. Stay sharp the next few weeks. I'm looking forward to seeing you when you get home.


Uncle Rob

PS: I figured "Happy Birthday" had been used enough as a headline so I went with the kind of attention-grabbing headline that makes magazines I see in the grocery checkout line so enticing. Who can resist Christmas decorations for less than $10???

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