Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Andy

I heard it was your birthday and just wanted to write and show you our appeciation.   I and my family appreciate your service and I am always honored to say that I know you.   We appreciate everything that you are doing!   I hope you get to enjoy the birthday.  Look forward to seeing you back home so I can by you a bithday beer!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Andy from the Joe Bosch fam

Happy Birthday Andy - hope you get to enjoy it a bit with some sort of good food or maybe even a beverage. Love Joe

dear Andy,  hope you are enjoying your birthday with your friends.     love jackson

Happy Birthday Andy, hope you are having a fun and enjoyable relaxing birthday Love,Josie

Happy Birthday Andy!!  Be safe and see you soon!! Love Jennifer


Happy birthday, Andy! I love you so much!! I hope you have had such a wonderful day. In case you were wondering if I'm praying for you and missing you - yes, I am. And I have this bracelet/note/pretzel (you can thank your girlfriend for that one) on my kitchen cabinet as a reminder to pray for you :) I have to explain to any visitors why I have a random pretzel taped to my cabinet. But you're worth it.  Come home soon!  
Love, Shana


Happy Birthday! I miss you. When you come home I want to go and visit Chris and Bones and Ali.  Will you take me?  I am so proud of you!  Will you go talk to my second grade when you get home?  I am going to make my first Reconciliation two weeks from Saturday.  Will you be here in May because my first Communion is in May. I hope you will be there. My teacher is Mrs. Geckle. I love you and miss you.  Keep safe!

October 24th WHAT A DAMN DAY!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Andy. You should feel very proud, and I should be very ashamed to admit that other than my wife you are one of the few birthdays I can remember without checking Facebook first. I'll let it slide this year that we didn't speak on the phone. Anyway way to be born on pretty much the best day ever. Now hurry up and get the hell back here and we can celebrate with some good old drinking and B&E attempts.

Love, David Bosch

Jenn also wishes you happy birthday.

Happy Birthday Babyhead!!

Hey Rube!  Happy Birthday bud!!  Hope all is going well over there!  Can't wait for you to get back.  Ali told me to tell you Happy Birthday as well, little Kong Face misses you. 

KashMoney Records

Yo Rub,
   Happy Bday Boss Man...Wish you were state side and we were all back at Miami to throw down like Champions. I hope you're keeping it safe over there and I know you're holding your own as always. Keep dominating and let me know when you're back in the US of A...

One Luv Bro,

Happy Bday A Ru

Hey Andy, just heard about this blog. Happy Bday, kinda crappy that you cant be here for it but well definitely make up for it when you get back. The fantasy league hasn't been the same without you. My team isn't that good this year though. I tried a new strategy in the draft, and it may need some tweaking for next year. But anyways, I'll make sure to tell you all about that in person. We're thinking about you everyday and cant wait for you to get home.

Happy Bday,

Happy Birthday from Joey's Team Imagination!!

Happy Birthday, Andy!! Thank you for serving our country and protecting our freedom.  We are thankful for all of those who serve our country.  We are lucky to have you.  We hope you have a magical birthday! Have a safe birthday.


Joey McAdams and his Fifth Grade Classmates

Happy Bday Little Guy!


Word up Jewberg (hopefully nobody takes offense to your nickname)... Happy Bday sir! Hope you get a chance to chill your bones and work on that tan on your bday. Chicago awaits your arrival so get back here ASAP.  Kinsley baked you a cake, we'll try to save you a piece but it likely won't be very delicious by the time you eat it. Get home quick man, see you soon!


Happy Bday Rube

I think Jarod is still at Miami.  See ya when you get back - Houston Rodeo 2012 count on it.  In the spirit of Halloween enjoy. 

Happy Birthday Buddy

Oh hey Rube,

I hope everything is going well over there.  We're praying for you everyday and I think about you and your troops all the time.  As soon as you get back, I'm driving to Cincinnati and I'll pick up some cheese coneys, Korski and Mountain Dew, Bengals gear, and a 9-iron and we can jump out of windows and do Who-Dey cheers. 

I hope all of these comments from everyone help give you a few minutes of enjoyment on your birthday.  I can't wait to see you in a few months.  We'll celebrate and watch the Bengals make a run to the Super Bowl.  We miss you buddy.


Happy Birthday BabyHead!


I'm glad we got the chance to talk the other day so I could wish you Happy Birthday in real time, but I just wanted to drop a note and let you know that we're all thinking of you today. It's easy to remember one of your best friends birthday's, even when they are across the world if all the passwords in the house are still set as "WhoDey 10/24"! I've included some pics for you to laugh at as well - theres one of Team USA from the golf trip and another of us from ski trip in Denver. I'm already looking forward to the next one out in Vail ... maybe this time you'll actually be able to beat me down the mountain (doubt it)!

Take care of yourself Ru, we miss you and can't wait to get you back home. Keep the chin up, keep thinking about Skyline Cheese Coneys, and we'll all have a Guinness in your honor tonight. Love you brother. Talk to you soon.


Haven't seen me a BabyHead in months!!!!!!!!!!

Andy!!! I miss you so much! I hope you are doing well - and know that you are thought of daily by people in all different walks of life. I just wrote a letter to a soldier for this campaign to get a handwritten letter to each and every soldier for Thanksgiving and thought of you. Besides being an amazing friend - you are truly one of the ones who makes the rest of us that much safer. You are my hero Andy Babyhead Ruberg!


Happy Birthday

Happy birthday Rube!

I hope things are going well over there. Over on the home front the Bengals are 4-2 and Mike Brown provided an early birthday present for you by beginning to make smart moves (traded Carson Palmer for a first and second round pick). I can't wait for you to return and when we can celebrate in proper fashion.

We are continuing to pray for you and all of the troops each day.

Love Ray

Happy Birthday Babyhead

Hey Buddayyy,

Happy Bday.  You keep getting older and your head stays the same size. 

I wanted to make sure you know that you owe a debt of gratitude to the Cleveland Browns.  The Browns shattered Jason Campbell's collarbone which forced the Raiders to search for a QB and give the Bengals like 14 first round picks for Carson Palmer.  So as a Browns fan, I will speak for the organization and say, "You're welcome." 

Anyways, enjoy your birthday, be safe, and get back here already.

Go Buckeyes,
Joey Plichta

Happy Birthday Andy

Happy Birthday!  I miss you so much, man.  I have been praying for you every day.  I can't wait for you to be home so we can plan our amazing 2012 adventure.



What a Day!!!

Happy Birthay Andy!!
I know your parents, especially your Mom felt that way 28 years ago today. You are a blessing to everyone you touch. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your team. I have sent your request for prayers for you and your team on to many family and friends. As others have said stay sharp and keep safe.

Your Mom says you'll be home for the holidays. We are looking forward to a grand Ruberg Party, especially Joey.

You are being honored on Nov 11, Veterans Day @ Mason Intermediare by Joey's fifth grade class. We wish you were home for the celebration, but you will be remembered in thoughts and prayers especially that day by 600+ Mason 5th grade students. Take the time to feel the Love and God's grace.

Enjoy your R&R!

See you soon!
Sheila and Dave McAdams

Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday Andy!! You are always on my mind and in my prayers... can't wait to celebrate your return! :)


Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday, Andy!!

Keep the faith over there. I have no doubt God has His strongest angels keeping watch over you and your men.

Much love,
Lori (and little Sally, the name we have chosen for my little girl. And yes, I think I am now Grandma's favorite:)

Hot new tips for Christmas decorations less than $10!

Hi Andy -

Your favorite godfather here to wish you happy birthday. I need some army fatigue jacket for a Halloween costume and Beth asked if no one in my family was ever in the army so I could borrow theirs. I told her my family members were in the marines - the best of the best. None of that army stuff! Then I said you were in the best of the best of the best being in the recon unit and had to correct myself since you are actually in the best of the best of the best of the best since your team is the best recon unit. (No need to share that with guys in other recon units - we don't want to hurt their feelings, after all.)

You come up a lot in our conversations, actually, and I guess that's because you're on my mind and in my prayers often. And clearly I am proud of you and what you've accomplished with your team and personally. Hope you enjoy your bit of down time and your birthday. Stay sharp the next few weeks. I'm looking forward to seeing you when you get home.


Uncle Rob

PS: I figured "Happy Birthday" had been used enough as a headline so I went with the kind of attention-grabbing headline that makes magazines I see in the grocery checkout line so enticing. Who can resist Christmas decorations for less than $10???

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A picture for some fun

This was not long after our scuba trip where we paid $10 per minute of underwater time.  But at least we saw a shark, which was awesome!


Happy Birthday!


Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.  Hopefully you get to enjoy it a little.  We'll definitely take a rain check and celebrate when you get back.  It's good to hear that things are going well over there.  We've all been praying for you and your men a ton!!  Have a great day!


P.S.  I had lunch with Doug Hugo the other day and gave him your email so he could get in touch.
Happy Birthday Andy! We are all thinking of you and praying to bring our Marine home :)
Mary Kate

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Andy! how is it going with  your break in Afghanistan! I miss you, hope you stay safe. I am proud of you.
Love From 

Happy Birthday Andy

I can't believe I figured out how to do this. Sending you my love on this day you were born. Thank you and your fellow marines for all you do for us. Can't wait til you are home with us all. Happy birthday from all of the Hamilton's. You are in our prays

From the Ehrhards


We thought you might like to see the whole family.


We are thinking about you here in the States! 
Marley and Bryce

Happy Birthday Andy!

Happy 28th Birthday Andy!  Your are in our prayers everyday.  We all miss you and can't wait to see you soon.

   Adam, Maria, and Elise


not trying to call out Uncle Steve's report, but it must be added that the Chiefs beat Carson Palmer and his new team, the Raiders, 28-0!

Happy Birthday!!

Miss you so much! Praying very hard everyday for your safe return. Like I have always said if anyone can do it Andy can!!! Can't wait for Christmas time because it means you will be home safe and sound! A cold one is waiting for you when you get home to celebrate your birthday!!! See you soon!!


Some Quick Updates


I know that lots of folks have said happy birthday, so we wanted to let you know some things that are going on over here.

Bengals beat the Colts - it's true !!!  The Colts are 0-6.  Wow !!
They say that if the Colts go 0-16, Peyton Manning will win his 5th MVP title.

Notre Dame lost to USC when they fubled on the 1 yard line and USC ran it 99 yards for a touchdown.
"Bumber," as Bridgette would say.

NBA is still out on strike and they are cancelling many games in the beginning of the season ... who really cares. Apparently no one since the talks have broken off and there are no more planned.

OK - that's some sports news.

Have a stellar day.

Uncle Steve (mostly) and Aunt Debbie

Grandma Ruberg says Happy Biethday


Just Grandma sending her best wishes to you and want you to know that we think about you all the time.
We wear our red wristbands all the time, which is really great because it reminds us of you and to pray for you.

Stay safe, and we will be happy to see you soon.
We are really looking forward to see you at Christmas.

Love all the time.
Grandma R

Happy Birthday Andy !!!


You know that I think about you multiple times a day.  So right now, I'm thinking...HAPPY 28th BIRTHDAY!!!  I hope you manage to have some kind of fun on 10/24.  We'll be celebrating over here in your name and then REALLY celebrate when you get home!!

Stay focused for now and stay safe.  I LOVE you and can't wait to see you.


Fantasy Football is not the same without you

Andy - we pray for you every day and think of you often.  I have 2 of the pictures that you sent printed out and hanging in my office.  It reminds me that I can put up with anything that is happening at work when comparing my issues to your work day.  We are all wearing wrist bands that Aunt Carol had made reminding us to "Pray you Home".  I'm in first place in the FFL Horse League this year but I must say that it is somewhat hollow considering that you are not in the league.  Really looking forward to seeing you at Christmas - God Bless you and your team.  Please thank your team from all of us back home in the USA.  Gadafi is gone and you guys are truly making a historical difference in the world in a very positive way.  We all love you and continue to wish you the best. - Uncle Mark

Eads, anytime I think about complaining, I remember you and our troops and become grateful and humbled instead.  Can't wait until your welcome home/belated birthday party, because, baby, YOU'RE A FIREWORK!  Love, Jenn

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Andy!!!!!!!!    We miss you and love you and cannot wait for you to get home!!!!!!!! - Aunt Carol

Ruby - Happy Birthday Dude.  I'm looking forward to celebrating when you get back.  Stay focused out there.  We're praying for you.  See you soon! - Joe

Rube, Happy Birthday.  Hope all is well and you get a chance to take a minute and actually enjoy it.  Can't wait to celebrate when you get home.  As always, thanks for everything you are doing for all of us back here.  -Jas Horse

Hey Andy,
      HAPPPY BIRTHDAY!!:) We miss you and love you. Hope everything is ok over there and you come home safely. Happy birthday again!!!

Happy Birthday!

Happy 28th! We're praying for you. Can't wait to celebrate your birthday when you return!
Love, Monica, Barry and Evan.


Happy Birthday Andy,
Hope this message finds you to be as well as can be expected. Sally and I think of you and pray for you and your team every day. Even though I was in the Marine Corps I cannot really imagine what your situation is since I was never in combat. We are all looking forward to your safe return. I'm not sure you know but I am working with a number of Cincinnati Public Schools and when you return I would like you to go with me to a few schools and talk to the students. I think your experiences could be of help to them. As I think back I can remember a serviceman coming to St. Teresa during the 2nd World War and talking to us . It made a great impression on us.
Well Andy, it's now your Grandma having her turn to tell you how much we miss you.  We really missed you last saturday. We were all over at Aunt Lisa & Uncle Jims to celebrate mine & gandpa's Birthdays. Needless to say we all had a great tme,but we all missed you, but Elisabeth was there to represent you.Andy, take care of yourself and remember you are in our prayers every morning an every night.  "HAPPY B' DAY"
Love  G.& G. A.

Happy Birthday, Andy

Hi, Andy,
Happy Birthday!!! This was such a good idea! I just want you to know that you are in my prayers multiple times each day. I cannot wait for you to be home in the USA. I think the best birthday gift I can give you is to promise to pray for you and your troops AND to promise to continue to support your mom.

Much love,
Aunt Marianne

Happy Birthday, Andy!

Dear Andy,

Happy birthday! We are so excited that soon you'll be coming home and we are praying powerful protection over you and your men until you do. 

This Psalm reminds us of you and we are trusting God to be faithful to His promises...

Psalm 1:2-4, 6
"Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the LORD, 
   and who meditates on his law day and night. 
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, 
   which yields its fruit in season 
and whose leaf does not wither— 
   whatever they do prospers... for the LORD watches over the way of the righteous..."

We will see you soon!
Mr. and Mrs. Brunk 

Happy Birthday Andy!!

Happy Birthday Andy!! We miss you and can't wait for you to come home!! I am so glad it is almost time for you to come home!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday and see you soon!!


P.S. In case no one tells you they sang happy birthday to you at g-parents bday party!! (along with EVERYONE else in our family who was born in October). Does not sound like our crazy family at all!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Andy!

Andy, stay safe and head down!  We will celebrate when you get back home!  We love you and are praying for you.  Hugs and warm wishes, Uncle Kurt, Aunt Mary, and family

Happy Birthday

Happy 28th Birthday! I wish you could be here so we could really celebrate but I promise we will have one heck of a birthday bash when you get back. On your day I am going to Mass to pray for you and your team as I do everyday. I love you, keep safe!

Happy Birthday, Andy...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We wish we could be with you today... especially me! I know that God has His hand on you and He's carrying you through the next two months. I'm praying for a special blessing for you today on your birthday. Can't wait to see you again... praying every day!

Enjoy your day... we miss and love you!

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Andy.  Can't wait until you get home.  Jim and I pray for you every night and when God puts you on our hearts.  We are also praying for your whole team.

I am going to attempt to send some pictures from Grandma and Grandpa's birthday party we had for them on Saturday, Oct. 15th.

God bless and keep you and your team safe.


Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jim

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Beginning


This is Uncle Steve. I have set up this blog site so that all your family and friends could add content to wish you a Happy Birthday and more.

I hope you enjoy this, and there should be a growing list of blogs from many people.

God bless you. We pray for you every day.
Take care of yourself and your men.