Thursday, November 24, 2011

happy Thanksgiving

dear andy,
well thanksgiving is going grate so far but it is not the same without you here with the family .
we miss you so much mom said you sent a quick email. and she told us you get to have a feast,'' and you are working hard.

Happy Thanksgiving

Hola muchaco! Como esta?

Don't even know if that Spanish is even correct - I took French! Found out a few days ago that St. X now has Chinese as one of the language options. Frightening. Appropriate, but worrisome. I'm not a fan of our Chinese overlords!

Regardless, I'm at Aunt Lisa's for Thanksgiving and Ladaisia said she posted to your blog earlier so I thought I'd do so as well. I don't see her post so I hope it went through, but she's thinking of you either way. What a little lady!

Hope your Thanksgiving is a day off, but from what I'm hearing it may not be. I know I'll be thankful when you're home so I can stop thinking about you all the time! You're not that interesting! (Just kidding, you're interesting enough that I want to write your memoirs with you and you're only 28!) Saw your blog where you talk about adventures with Danny. Cool stuff.

I'm waiting patiently for Danny's Venturepax app so I can more easily find adventures around Cincy. Beth and I love camping/hiking stuff. Actually, I'm in the market for hiking boots. Was thinking about buying military boots from a surplus store. You LMK if those boots are good. I'll probably just get hikers, though. But you walking over all that ground over there are probably to perfect person to talk to about this issue. Danny just got here. Guess I'll ask him, too!

Okay, I've exhausted my meaningless blather for now. Also, my Woodford Reserve has run out and the bottle is downstairs. :)

Everyone is asking about you so you're in all our thoughts. We love you and continue to pray for you. I can't wait to see you in December.
